Sunday, January 7, 2018

"Faithfulness Sunday" and short recap for today

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Today is "Faithfulness Sunday" during the children's Sunday School. We honored 13 children who only missed one or two weeks over the last 3 months. We also honored 4 children who were perfect attenders (they didn't miss any weeks). This is a big deal considering very few of these children come with parents. We had around 51 children in attendance. Our morning service went very well with 21 in attendance. We continued our series in 1 John during the afternoon service. It has been a great day.
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Snacks and craft time give these children plenty to do after our morning reveille, songs, Bible verse memory work, Books of the Bible challenge (we are still finishing up the minor prophets), and Bible story and quiz.
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Our Bible Study Sunday School class (for adults and older teens) is studying the doctrine of Assurance of Salvation. It is a joy to see Christians grow and base their faith not in feelings but in the Word of God! In the AM service we heard a message on 1 Tim. 1:13-15, on God's "Superabounding" Grace. The Father is ready to forgive, and the Son is ready to save, if we would simply trust in Him - His grace is "exceeding abundant!" God's grace saved the chief of sinners, and therefore He can save any and all who would call upon Him. In our PM service we learned the differences between children of God and children of the Devil based on 1 John 3:4-10. The messages of our AM & PM services are accessible via

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