Thursday, December 29, 2005

Celebrate Christmas!

The incarnation of God's eternal Son is a miracle worth celebrating. The Bible teaches us that the heavenly host celebrated, the shepherds celebrated, the wise men (sooner or later) celebrated, Simeon and Anna celebrated. The only ones who had a 'cow' about Christmas were the herodians (of course that means Herod especially). Which crowd do you belong to? As for me and my house we will celebrate and have celebrated Christmas!!!
FURTHERMORE...When the Word was made flesh, God participated in fleshly things, therefore celebrating Christmas involves "things" - Put up the Christmas tree, the stockings, the wreaths, the bells and the lights, afterall Christians are the only ones in the world that do have the right to celebrate Christmas! In the first Christmas God gave unto us his 'unspeakable gift' 'wrapped in swaddeling clothes.' Therefore make sure you give and give generously a wonderful gift to someone - it is a Christian trait to be giving! Could you imagine going through the Christmas season without Jesus Christ (I mean not being 'in Christ' or not being born again). NO WONDER some people don't like the hussle and bussle of Christmas - - they are attempting to observe a holiday that is unique to Christians only. Here they forget about the 'good tidings of great joy.' I love Christmas, I think Christians should celebrate and make it BIG, and special...exhibit 'great joy' and I mean GREAT JOY!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Dr. Howdy...Merry Christmas!