Marcia and I had a wonderful time in Banner Elk, NC. The picture is actually taken at the top of Grandfather Mountain. The high mountains and the Blue Ridge Parkway is a beautiful and relatively inexpensive way to enjoy nature and a get away.
This is the scenery from the top of Grandfather Mt.
More music...the Charlotte Philharmonic Orchestra played a series of Patriotic and American theme music at the Chetola Resort. They did a wonderful job. The fireworks afterwards was outstanding (courtesy of the Tangers, the ones who owns Tanger Outlets all over).
Where were we...oh yes...a close up of the falls...
Here it is...Linville Falls.
We saw lots of other things (perhaps I can get the pics off of Marcia, and post them when I get a chance)....old fashioned Mast General Store (the original one), we also enjoyed good food at the Mountain House restaurant, and of course Marcia's favorite "Bojangles" (Chicken joint like KFC). We also heard some more mountain music at the Jones House in downtown historic Boone during their Thursday night "jam." I got a recording of that one, I'll try to upload that somehow. Some more nature scenes with Blowing Rock and overlooks at the Blue Ridge Parkway. Some more music with the old fashioned shape-notes singing. Some more scenery with Banner Elk, couple of book store, used books expeditions in Lenoir, and Hickory and Charlotte. More scenery at the John Price Park. More food with picnics. More music with the "Surefire Band" (bluegrass - which they sound just like the Darlin's if you ever watched the Andy Griffith show) - I'm not too crazy about bluegrass, it's just not my cup of tea. More eating places like Backyard Burgers (a glorified Burger King).
So basically its, scenery, music, food, swimming, hiking, relaxing, book hunting, church at Linville (Faith Baptist Church) nice church folks over there. Makes for a really good vacation.
Sounds like a great trip. Thanks for the travelogue. I'm glad you mentioned church on the trip too.
Nice pictures
Thanks for commenting friends. First of all a tragic accident has entered the lives of God's people here in Red Lion. While our hearts are heavy with grief, we sorrow not as those which have no hope (1 Thess. 4:13). We know that in all our life experiences that God is always good and that God is always in control. He will make all things beautiful in his time (Ecc. 3:11).
Pastor Brandenburg,
Thanks for stopping by. I see you got kicked out from another blog. Ouch! If they are honest with themselves they can see how you have tried to answer their questions clearly, maybe, its the clarity of a settled Word that they just cannot accept because that would be way too simple. I am glad the Lord has spoken, and I am glad He speaks clearly, and I am most glad that His words are forever settled.
Thanks for stopping by. I was a pleasure getting reaquainted with you at Fairhaven, the last conference I was there (07). Lord willing I will be there again hopefully next year.
Thanks Billy.
Our hearts go out to you and your church is in our prayers.
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