I haven't blogged anything for quite some time now. BUT thats ok. Spring changes everything! (at least that's what SEARS advertises).
Marcia (my wife) played for a friend's wedding (Micheal Roadcup and Stephanie Gardner) yesterday. I got a chance to see some friends from Fairhaven Baptist College and even some who have already graduated. I also saw Pastor Gardner and Pastor Roadcup and their wives. What a wonderful crowd. I loved hearing about the good reports from some of the grads and how excited they are about being in the ministry. I love the fact that they are 'spiritually minded' and how they love what they are doing. It is certainly refreshing to know that they want to serve the Lord and do something significant for God. I am also thankful to be able to make new friends from this occasion. Pastor Gardner's parents are a riot, especially "Grandma Gardner." I also met their entire clan (grandkids and 'Uncle Lonie' - he is a mess - but everyone knows it).
My parents flew from the Philippines to Boise, ID and Marcia and I are flying out April 10th, Monday to meet them and spend a week with my family. This will be a wonderful time. Right now I am very thankful for my father in law (Randy Starr) for giving me tips of where to go for scenic drives and byways, as well as Canyons and Falls. I am looking forward to this wonderful getaway. Especially because I will get to see my folks again, my sister, her husband and kids, and my brother. I am praying for wisdom, because I want to present the Gospel correctly and clearly, and I am praying for their conversion.
When we get back we are going to have our children's Easter program for Sunday morning. And a week after that we are having special meetings at 7:00 nightly with Pastor Mike Allison. And after that we are going to have our 3rd Annual Pine Car Derby. These are just a few of the things that are on the cooker for April, most of which is evangelistic in nature.
Hey Billy, I'll be praying for you. Please tell Marcia that I said hi!
Thanks for your encouragement. Marcia is wondering about how you are doing. Thanks for your prayers also, they were not in vain. Have a wonderful Easter!
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